PinnedPublished inCodess.CafeCisco 6 month intern + FTE offer via Code-with-Cisco | Off-campus“What’s meant for you will find its way💙!”Jan 17, 20245Jan 17, 20245
Google SWE Intern’23 Interview experience [3 rounds]the amount of hopes it built within me is much greater than the hopes that just got shattered today 🦋!Jan 25, 20232Jan 25, 20232
Published inCoinmonksSolving a LeetCode problem with Blockchain concept 😎I am just amazed to see that an Easy Leetcode problem can teach us a concept which is used in BlockChain for decentralization🤯. Let us…Dec 23, 2022Dec 23, 2022
Referral: the catalyst to get interviews🥳No doubt, resume, experience, skill-set and other things play the major role but these are reactants😉! Referral acts as catalyst to get…Dec 18, 20221Dec 18, 20221
One Stop for Process Synchronization- The heart of Operating System❤️Welcome 😊! This article is the gist of almost all the topics of Process Synchronization, which is a super important topic of Operating…Jul 12, 20222Jul 12, 20222